Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snow Day IV: The Blackbirds Return

Although I was thinking spring and working out in the yard over the weekend (with one day in the 60s), this morning there was a snow storm that closed the schools out this way...so, I get another unexpected day off.

I've been eagerly watching for the red-winged blackbirds to return. Normally, I spot the males perched on cattails or shrubs near ponds along the side of the road. I thought I saw one on Friday while driving in to work, but I couldn't see the tell-tale red and yellow epaulet, so it was not until this morning when a whole flock of them descended on our feeder that I was sure they were back. The males are supposed to arrive 2 weeks before the females to establish their territories. The flock was mixed and predominately female.

The females are streaked brown while the males are black with red and yellow patches on their shoulders. I also noticed a grackle or two feeding with them on occasion.

I love to hear the trilling call of the red-winged blackbird. ~smile~ So, despite the snow, their calls sound like spring to me.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Winter Interest

Here is another picture from today:

Snow Day III

After a rainy day around 50 degrees yesterday, we got about 4-5 inches of snow over night. I've been thinking spring for a few weeks now, so snow wasn't even on my radar...at least not this much, but March snows never seem to last long so I'm not too concerned.

I got some nice photos today, and the sun will melt this before long. Spring is still very much on my mind, and can't be too far away.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rainy Day

We finally have some temperatures close to 50 degrees...I guess I shouldn't complain that it is raining. At least it is warm and most of the snow is gone. Spring is (almost) here!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Morning Visitor

Glancing out the window this morning, I took time out from getting ready for work to take quite a few pictures of this guy. Only a couple shots were worth sharing.