Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

At It Again

Normally after the bluebirds fledglings have left the nest, within a few days, I clean out the old nest and wipe down the inside of the nest box (and around the entrance hole) with a bleach and water solution.  This year, with the house wren nesting across the yard, I put off the clean-up.  I figured after all the energy that it took to feed and care for the young, a little break would be welcomed.

However, after I noticed a photo I'd taken earlier in the week showed the male bird checking out the entrance hole again, I went out to clean the box a day or two later.  Since I was unsure what if the male bird would keep checking after finding the old, messy nest, I decided to leave the door open for 24 hours, hoping that would draw the attention of the pair if they were still in the area.  The next afternoon, I came back and closed the door...and waited to see what would happen. 

Again we were gone, but when I checked again within four days of cleaning it out, I found a completed nest!  :)  I'm pleased that they didn't go looking elsewhere.

 From the research I did online, it appears that once the house     wrens eggs are laid, they stop attacking other birds' nests..."as if a switch was flipped".  So, I'm hopeful that there will be nothing to interfere with the bluebirds having a fully successful second brood.

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