Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Curious Chickadees

I was walking the paths today and two chickadees were chattering nearby. They seemed to be watching me (as I've seen them do before), and they came quite close. Later on, when I had the camera with me, I got this shot of one as he was going in for some birdseed.

As much as I enjoy the return of the red-wings (and other summer residents), I'm happy that the cheerful, little chickadees are year-round residents. I hope these cute, brave little birds will nest in our yard this year. Our first year here, before I started the blog, I had them in a nest box I'd attached to the barn. I've since moved it, but, perhaps I should get another one for there.

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