Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spring is in the Air

Despite the dusting of snow still on the ground in the shady areas when I got up, today felt a lot like spring to me--yesterday too.  I was outside both days.  I was actually happy for the snow, since I had planted some of my meadow seeds outside yesterday (more on that in another post), and I am hoping they will go through some more freezing and thawing (although the forecast has us in the 60s this week--and it is only early March).

I took a few shots of some birds that frequent our yard because of the frequent offerings of black oil sunflower seeds.  I was hoping the emerging pussy willow buds would add a sense of spring to the photos of the birds perched there.

These were the bird photos I thought I'd be posting about.  Little did I suspect that my favorite tenants would show up today! :)

Walking into the kitchen, I peered out the window into the side yard...

It always surprises me that I can spot a bird approximately 300 feet away--although, I've been mistaken at times...this time, I felt sure that the bluebirds had come to check out their favorite nestbox in the yard.  (I'm glad I cleaned it out a month or two ago.)  In my excitement, I ran for the camera that I'd left in the other room.  Sure enough, their was a bluebird perched atop the birdhouse.

The photos are not that clear, but clearly the pair has returned (I always assume it is the same pair that I started with...or some of their descendants).  Although I am happy to see a multitude of native birds nest in the yard (and I want more), when the bluebirds return to nest, it always brings me a special kind of joy. ~smile~


Last year, for some reason, I was concerned that they would not return.  They did.  However, they only raised one brood instead of the two (sometimes three?) that they normally do--a pair of tree swallows took their favorite box after their first brood fledged.  I'm hoping that they maintain control of that nestbox and are able to raise three broods this year--if my gut is right, it will be an early spring.  If so, perhaps with an early start, they can squeeze in three broods. :)

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