Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Another Moving Rocks Post

 With all of the rain we've had--I swear it has been four months with only an occasional day with part sun...and, more recently one full day of sun...and, twice, two days in a row without rain (or only in the morning or overnight).  So, with that, and working my regular job, an interpreting assignment twice a week, and Jeff and I teaching a class one day a week, there has not been much time for me to do much of anything outside.  :(

So, I was so happy that the weather cooperated, today, on my only day off during the week...and thrilled that I pushed myself to change into work clothes and go outside.

I finally got around to hauling some more of the rocks that I got over the summer.  My goal is to create some natural-looking rock outcroppings along the slope that leads to my pond & streambed project.  I'm hoping I can create a cliff-like look.

Nothing is set in stone yet. ;) ...but I got a chance to play around with some possible groupings.  It needs a lot, lot, lot more work to make it look right...but it felt great to get out and WORK! 

I plan to put down some rubber roofing under the rocks, create cliff-like outcroppings, and a sandy soil over the rubber roofing, and add scree around the rocks.  Here's hoping that I can make it look natural...and create a nice-looking spot for a streambed and waterfall(s).

I stayed out until dusk became rather dark.  I've missed being out there...and I'm hoping to get in better shape again.  Here's hoping I can do more before the ground freezes here.  Then, once winter hits, I hope I enjoy the reprieve.