Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

New View of my New Path

On a few warm days in January, I started creating a path on a slope.  I found a huge rock at one point and came close to digging it out, but decided to put it off for another day--I think I was afraid I would screw up my back again and never finish the path.

I had a couple more days in February where I could work the ground.  If I recall, I finished it early March.

Here it is with an aerial shot.

(Well, I guess it isn't finished until I get that rock out, fill the hole, remove the garbage that I found, and, hopefully, seed it with something native--maybe path rush.)

Thank you, babe, for the aerial shot. :)

The other day, I added some elderberry cuttings along the slope--hopefully, they will root with no trouble and grow in in the next couple of years...along with some other native shrubs.  I have some silky dogwood still in pots that I can add...and I hope to buy some other species.

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