Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Video Issues

Currently, I'm experiencing an issue with uploading my video.  It is not on my end!  My partner is so good to me; he searched for and found the cable needed to transfer the video to our hard drive.  He transferred it for me, and opened a new editing program for me.  Not only is he so good to me, he is also a computer whiz.  Thanks, Jeff, for getting everything ready for me. :-)

Luckily the editing program was very user-friendly and I condensed it a little to make it easier to watch.  However, the icon for uploading video on my blogger page is no longer there! :-(  I was pretty disappointed seeing that we had everything ready on our end. 

Oh well, anticipation is good for the soul--or something like that.  (Actually, I made that up.)

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