Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Creating a New Path

Yesterday, January 11th, we had a high of 62°F!  Not good for the planet, but I enjoyed the reprieve from winter.  I accomplished a lot today.  I am so glad I went outside to enjoy the warm weather.

As so often happens, I start out just meandering through the yard and, unexpectedly, start some random project.  This time it was a path I had been planning in the back of my mind for a few years.

Instead of removing them, I decided to weigh them down to keep them off the path.

This is a slope on the property which I rarely have access to except in winter.  It has not been a priority (I tend to work on the meadow, woods, or pond)...but, I have been wanting to create a useable path there for a few years--right now it is a narrow footpath.

I am pleased with the results.  I probably would have finished the entire path,had I not found and uncovered a huge rock.  I plan to use it for my pond/streambed/waterfall project.  (I had really hoped to uncover several large rocks and mini-boulders while digging my pond.  Although I found rocks of various sizes...none were substantial.   So happy to have come across this one--despite the fact i will have to transport it a fair distance.

I love finding an exposed rock...and uncovering a very large rock that can be used for my pond/streambed/waterfall project.

I had really hoped to uncover a lot of useable large rocks mini-boulders when digging out for the pond (Phase II).  Unfortunately, although I found small rounded rocks to use in the streambed, but nothing like this!  Happy to have it, but, it will have to be transported a bit farther than if it were found on the site of the pond.

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