Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Late February, But the Seeds are Planted

I am such a procrastinator. Last fall, I saved a lot of seeds from several flowers: Erigeron (daisy fleabane), Penstemon digitalis, thimbleweed, butterfly weed, and an aster. I think at least some of them need a moist, cold dormant period for them to germinate. Finally, I got them planted today in potting soil. Hopefully, they will germinate and I can spread them throughout my meadow-in-the-making. I covered them in snow and put them in the greenhouse, because I'm afraid the birds could pick at them.
Also, I'm late in posting about seeing my first bluebird of the season. I saw one three days ago. Today I saw another male at one of my houses. ~smile~

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