I also collected more seeds to sow this winter for next spring. After that, I finally set to work moving more soil and rocks from under the deck. This is a project I started last fall. I've decided to extend the stone walkway behind the house and create a stone patio.
Last year, I filled in the low spots to create a place for some sun-loving wildflowers between the house and the stone patio. I also, leveled out the uneven path.
Last week, I spent three afternoons working on moving dirt. I'm really enjoying the weather and getting things done on weekdays after work. I gotta take advantage of the weather before we change the clocks and the weather changes on me.
I didn't plan to post about working on staining the deck (which I did a few weeks ago and didn't post until now) and working on the stone patio, but they both do relate to the native landscape. I want to tie in the deck and patio to the native landscape. I plan to improve the railing of the deck to make it more attractive, safer, and make for a better view of the future streambed/pond.
Also, pulling rocks out from under the deck will add to the beauty of the streambed and landscape...and moving the soil will create some beds for landscaping with natives.
Funny, all I planned to type was "After working in the yard, I relaxed in the hammock and didn't want to come in...I was out in the yard in the dark looking out at what I'd accomplished. I can't believe it is 72 degrees at 7:00 p.m. in October!"
Pollinators are still taking advantage of the few nectar sources left in the yard. I love the activity around the asters--I plan to plant MORE.
Butterfly weed was among the plants I collected seeds from. In addition to these, I collected Penstamen digitalis, various asters, and some daisy fleabane (Erigeron sp.) to add to other seeds I've collected and neglected to post about.
Rocks, rounded stones for the streambed, and soil (free clean fill) for the taking.
The future stone patio in progress.
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