Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Fall Planting

Yesterday, Wyatt wasn't the only one who enjoyed the sun.  I am so glad I got out in the yard!   I did some fall clean up, planted many of the things I bought or grew myself, and I mowed a large section of lawn (that I hope to convert to a short grass meadow).

Despite the grey of the goldenrod, there were some burst of color and other signs of life--one, a penstemon, should not be blooming now at all.  It is confused.  I'm sure the long period of warm temps (60s to 70°) account for that.

I was thrilled to find some things that I planted in the spring growing and thriving...including columbine and the alders I'd transplanted.  I cut some fencing to protect them from the deer; seeing that they will bloom for the first time in the spring, I would hate to have the deer "prune" them for me.  I am really looking forward to the cone-like structures that contain the seeds.  They are almost out of the reach of the deer--by next year, I suspect they will be tall enough for me to remove the protection. 

 Protecting my yellow birch from future deer rubbing.

I don't think I lifted anything more than 5 lbs. and made sure to follow pointers I got from physical therapy.  (I was diagnosed with a bulging disc, and have been mostly out of commission for three months or so.)  I felt good the whole time I was out...except for a brief pang in a muscle in my hip.  I took Aleve immediately after I came in...and took a hot bath/ long soak.

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