Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Third Day in a Row!

The weather has been great...high 60s, I think (not sure if we hit 70 or not), anyway, I got out in the yard again today!

Finally I was able to remove a circle of fence that must've been used to protect a blueberry bush when it was younger, but several seedling trees grew up around it and through it. One of these trees is the dreaded invasive buckthorn. Luckily, It has been cut back over the years and never bloomed or went to seed. I got it out with the help of a reciprocating saw. Now I have another fence-round to protect any seedlings I plant (I'll make sure I remove it before something grows into it.).

Also, I dug up one piece of the Clematis virginiana that I'd disturbed while removing the fence and trees growing at the base of the blueberry bush. If this were in a more natural area and not so close to the barn, I'd be more likely to let the native trees crowd the area...but I'm glad the buckthorn is gone...and that I had only one!

Later, I removed more of the bush honeysuckle bushes and created a brush pile of sorts while trying to keep the bushes (that I'd ripped from the earth) upright--while keeping their roots from contact with the ground (just in case). I ran into my neighbors and had a nice conversation...despite the mild winter, we're all ready for spring. After that, I got a little more done. By then the sun was going down, but I had no desire to go inside. I spent a good twenty minutes or so walking my paths, then with the light really starting to fail me, I headed back to the house. What a great day!

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