Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Prime Real Estate

Today, I spotted the male perched atop their favorite house again.  When I grabbed the camera and zoomed in, I noticed that the female was inside with her head peeking out through the hole.  I was pleased.  ~smile~  Although they built their nest in March, I checked a few days ago and saw no eggs.  This is a good sign.

I went outside (beautiful day, sunny and in the 60s) to get some better shots.  As I was walking out into the field (I can't wait to be able to call it a meadow once I've established native grasses and wildflowers)...I spotted another returned visitor--four of them actually; the tree swallows have returned as well.  They were soaring and diving around the open space above our property.  I figured they were house hunting and just enjoying the spring weather and the feelings it brings. :)  Normally, they choose two other nestboxes from the five or six I've put up...but, today, I realized that they had their eye on the house that the bluebirds have already built their nest in.  I'm not happy.

I expect the bluebirds to win the standoff--but, I've never really noticed them competing before.  I hope it doesn't get ugly.

(Pictures to follow--I'm having trouble uploading them at the moment.)


Stacie at Blue Sky and Blooms said...

You just need more houses! :) I know you aren't into swallows, but their flying is fun to watch. Do you make your own houses? I have a plan for bluebird houses made from one 8' 1x6. I paint the roofs only for more longevity. I have both bluebirds and swallows, too.

David said...


Sorry for the long delay to publish and reply to your comment. I really have to get back to checking and posting to my blog more often.

I have no problem with swallows--most years I have two nesting pairs of tree swallows in addition to the bluebird pair. I'd also *love* to host barn swallows--there is just something special about them in my mind.

I'd love to host more native birds. In addition to the cavity-nesters, I've been lucky enough to have a nesting pair of Baltimore orioles--one year, I even spotted the nest *while* they were actively nesting (prior to that, twice I spotted an old nest once the leaves had fallen).

Thanks for the comment. After typing the above, I checked out your blog and confirmed my suspicion that I may know you in real life. :) Cool.

Love your chickens!