Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Friday, January 24, 2020

One Thing Leads to Another

As so often happens, I start one project and end up elsewhere in the yard.  Everything is interrelated.

Almost two weeks ago, when the temperatures were unseasonably warm, and the ground was not frozen, I, unexpectedly, began creating a path on a seldom visited slope.  Uncovering a huge rock took time and energy away from finishing creating the newest trail on our property.  The next day, I had hoped to get the rock out of the hole, but decided I better not overdo it--my back had been pain-free for about a month or so, and I did not want to aggravate the herniated disc which seems to have healed.  Instead, I decided to continue creating a terraced path.

I had completed almost half of it they day before.   I was able to make use of a few moderately sized rocks and move them to the pond's edge.  Farther along the slope, there was a bit of trash left from a previous owner who, apparently, used sections of the property as their own private dump.

I ended up spying a pot caught under a multiflora rose bush.  Being a seldom-accessible area in the yard, two or three multiflora rose bushes escaped my not so ever vigilant eyes.  I ended up removing them and adding them to one two of my brush piles.  I gathered the garbage and stopped before the path was completed.  It is over two-thirds complete.

Unfortunately, the weather turned, with two or three inches of snow, and temperatures well below freezing, this project is on hold.

Maybe that is a good thing--almost a week later, I am noticing symptoms of discomfort where my painful bulging disc is.  I am doing my stretches and taking it easy.  I need to get symptom-free again, and continue working on my streambed and waterfall come spring.

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