Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Seven Trees for Six Bucks!

Despite having our car filled with luggage, cooler and Jeff's knee-scooter (his foot is broken), we stopped at a yard sale on our way to get together with friends.   I never expected to see oak trees for sale there.   Pretty tall trees, too...grown from acorns by the owner...but with limited space for roots.  They were grown in 2 liter pop bottles!

I got two chestnut oaks and four white oaks--one of which had a silver maple growing with it in that tiny container.   Jeff picked that one, and I agreed.  I didn't expect to be able to extricate them from each other with their roots do entwined--I planned to let the fight it out... and grow together if they could...but later, found they separated rather easily--without my trying.

For that price, I could not pass them up.  They are local (well...about an hour and a half from our home).  Somehow, we managed to get them in the car along with everything else we had packed.

After a great visit with friends, we packed them up again, brought them home, and, today, I potted them up.  I am hoping they will be able to develop a more healthy root system before I put them in the ground this fall.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Those trees are going to be so much happier now that you freed their roots!