Just the back yard!? Nah, I want the front and side yards landscaped in natives too.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Finally! (Late) Winter Sowing.

Last week, I finally started sowing some of the native seeds I collect every year.  This year, I am over a week later than my latest sowing (back in 2013, I think) wen I sowed at the end of February. 

It has been unseasonably warm for a while...I hope they get the freezing and thawing that some may need to germinate.

As usual, I am was very spotty on labeling whati collected...and, likely, even worse at labeling the trays.   But I did label a few.  I also did my signature move of double sowing some plugs with species that tend to grow in the same conditions...and I did several mixes (most notably "wetland mix"). Finally, I took the way way out and threw the more common species into a large container of damp potting mix--these I will likely hand sow on prepared ground later this spring.

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